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Workforce housing is vital. You make a great point. Congratulations.

And ‘going’ to the polls is a obligation of citizenship.

I haven’t decided who to vote for as yet, so this isn’t political.

I wrote on Facebook to you with no response. When everyone signs to run for office a/he agrees not to post signs except on private property with permission. Your signs are on government property in medians and road banks throughout the county and on private property without permission. These signs cost thousands of tax dollars for our employees to pick clean up and the maintenance workers risk injury when they hit the signs and the signs damage the tractors.

Just yesterday the supervisor for FDOT stopped her job to gather some of your signs and one of men needed with a broken machine. County had just cleaned out up dozens the day before last.

Is this prudent stewardship of your donors’ funds?

Please remove all the illegal signs so we can reconsider your platform on its true merits.

From: Can Orange County's District 2 become a development haven?

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