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The Secret Recipe for a Better Life: 5 Steps to Stay Happy and Healthy


Sometimes bad things can happen, and although it can be hard at times, you actually have the power to drive yourself away from all the negativity. You can decide to do something about your situation and prioritize your happiness and health. In fact, happiness and health are related to each other.

The good news is that, if you decide to do something positive with one thing in your life, it often influences another aspect. This means that your efforts to improve can significantly affect your quality of life. If you're feeling a bit lost right now and unsure where to start, here are five ways to help you lead a happy and healthy life.

Eat good foods and drink your supplements

For starters, good food can instantly boost one's mood. It's because eating well and having a well-balanced, healthy diet has already proven to improve one's frame of mind and health. In fact, a food rich in protein has an amino acid called tryptophan that helps produce a mood-improving neurotransmitter called serotonin.

You can receive various amino acids and protein by eating fatty fish like tuna or salmon. You should also consider researching a list of womens top options for multivitamins, or men's supplements as well, as appropriate. However, before you take anything, consider consulting your doctor first.

Get seven to eight hours of sleep every night

Aside from eating good food, you should also try improving your sleeping routine and get seven to eight hours per night. There are instances when a person's sleep quality significantly affects their mood the whole day, which can ruin your day before it even starts.

Moreover, sleep deprivation is generally bad for your health and can lead to more severe problems, the least of which is a negative mood and decreased motivation. Since you don't have enough energy to function for the day properly, you can be irritable and sluggish.

Surround yourself with good people

You can only sometimes discover your true potential when surrounded by the most supportive people who believe in you. If you spend more time with those that radiate positive energy, there is a good chance that their positiveness rubs off on you. This is especially true if these are the ones you can truly connect with.

However, this doesn't mean that 'more is merrier', because one or two is sometimes already enough for some people, as long as you positively influence each other. Still, make sure that they're still able to respect the boundaries you set, especially when you'll need time for yourself.

Reserve a time for yourself

As mentioned, there'll be times when you might want to be alone by yourself, which is entirely okay. Being with other people can sometimes be exhausting, and it's only natural that you would want time for yourself. So, whenever you feel this way, don't be too hard on yourself and give yourself a chance to recharge from exhaustion.

Spend less time on social media sites

In all honesty, social media sites can sometimes induce jealousy and insecurity in other people. Some users may live a better life than others, and some people end up comparing themselves to these users. The way people live their life varies, whether in their backgrounds, or the day-to-day pace of how they're going about it.

Final thoughts

At the end of the day, what matters most is the amount of effort you've invested in trying to improve and maintain your healthy and happy life. No matter how small of a step, an effort is a significant and crucial move that you can make in your life. So try not to let other people negatively affect you, and keep taking steps forward!

Mental Health, How can I be happy? What can I do to lead a healthy and happy life? Relationships, Self-care, Social Media, Sleep, Healthy Diet, Nutrition


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