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How to Protect Your Cognitive Health


Your cognitive health is not something that you should ever overlook or ignore. As you get older, it only becomes more important to look after your cognitive health and to make sure that your brain is in good working order. You don’t want to only realize that there’s a problem in that department when it’s too late to do anything about it. We’re going to talk today about what you can do to protect your cognitive health.

Stay active and stimulated

It’s important to stay as active and as stimulated as possible when it comes to your brain and mental health. [For tips on aging and science, check out Nad.com.] If you’re not doing much and you’re not challenging your brain in any way, cognitive decline becomes more likely and that’s obviously not what you want. You should also try to stay physically active as that’ll help your body and your mind in general.

Avoid excessive amounts of salt

One thing that’s definitely bad for your health in general and your cognitive health in particular is high blood pressure. That’s why you should do your best to keep your blood pressure at a healthy level, and one of the things commonly understood that will help do that is limiting the amount of salt in your diet. Cut down and find ways to flavor your food in other ways without relying on salt.

Limit the amount of red meat you eat

You should also keep the amount of red meat you consume under control. There’s nothing wrong with eating it from time to time because it provides you with important minerals. At the same time, it’s also the case that those minerals can build up in the body overtime and negatively impact the brain. That’s the case with minerals such as iron for example.

Keep an eye on your hearing

Hearing loss and cognitive decline are two things that are more closely linked than most people realize. That’s why it’s so important to keep an eye on your hearing health. There are lots of options for treating hearing loss so if you are having difficulties with your hearing, there’s help out there to remedy it. If it goes untreated, it will worsen along with your communication skills and isolation could become a problem. All of that is bad for your cognitive capabilities.

Get enough vitamin D 

We know that vitamin D is very good for the brain and that it needs as much of it as it can get. That’s why it might be a good idea to think about how you can get more vitamin D into your diet and how you might also think about spending more time outdoors to get vitamin D from sunlight. Other things that will help your brain and cognitive health include omega-3 fatty acids.

So if you want to take steps to protect your cognitive health and cognitive capabilities going forward, regardless of your current age, there’s never been a better time to make the changes above than now. Make the most of the ideas discussed above and see how they work out for you.

Brain, Health, Cognitive Health, Tips, Activity, Salt, Red Meat, Vitamin D, Hearing, Mental Health


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