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How to Keep Wild Animals Off Your Property During Summer


It’s common for animals to invade your premises for shelter and food as temperatures rise. While you may enjoy seeing some wildlife on your property, their presence can threaten you and your loved ones. They can also cause significant damage to your property, which may require costly repairs. Therefore, keeping them off your private space is best. Here’s how to prevent wild animals from invading your property during summer. 

Do not feed the wild animals

Animals usually explore their environments during warmer seasons. If you live in an area that attracts wildlife, the last thing you want to do is allow easy access to food. Once a wild animal recognizes that it can get free food on your property, it will show up whenever it's hungry. It's even worse to feed them, regardless of how harmless they look or behave. It’s worth noting that they can easily become violent and destructive when you refuse to feed them the second time. 

Employ some natural deterrents

Nature offers several deterrents that can effectively ward off wild animals. For example, you can grow certain plants, like marigolds or garlic, as they emit strong scents capable of repelling many pests. You can also sprinkle cayenne pepper along the entry points on your property. If that isn't an option, consider using a vinegar-based spray to discourage animals from approaching. You can also invest in motion-activated lights and sprinklers. Install them in areas where an animal is most likely to enter to create an unwelcome surprise factor. That can easily scare them away and discourage them from returning. 

Secure all entry points

Surveying your house and securing all entry points is important, as wild animals can sneak in through surprising entry areas. Snakes, for example, can coil themselves in toilet seats (to cool off). Also, ensure that all your doors and windows are in perfect working condition, including your garage door. For instance, you can work with a garage door repair service if you believe it is not in top condition. Consequently, inspect your walls for holes and seal them immediately. 

Don't focus only on one animal.

Even if you've identified one animal specie as your main intruder, do not gear all your prevention efforts toward it alone. For example, if you've noticed snakes are your number-one intruders, don't limit yourself to blocking only the tiny entry areas. Adopting a comprehensive approach and protecting your home from all critters is best. Understandably, this approach will require more work, but you can get help from professionals. This leads to the next point. 

Seek professional help

Sometimes, your best efforts may not be enough to deter wild animals. If everything else you've tried has failed, it's time to speak with a professional. Fortunately, wildlife control experts have the knowledge and experience to handle specific situations. They can help you create a more comprehensive prevention strategy by assessing your property, identifying all vulnerable areas, and recommending the right solutions. 

How do I keep wild animals from invading my property? Tips for preventing animals from entering your property, Outdoors, Home Maintenance, What are good natural deterrents for keeping wild animals off my property?


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