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Exercise Tips for Busy Professionals


Do you feel as though you are too busy to keep fit? Maybe you want to hit the gym but just know that your schedule won’t allow it. Either way, if this sounds like you then the first thing you need to understand is that you’re not alone. So many people are in the same situation as you, but if you follow these tips then you should see a huge improvement in how healthy you feel.

Sneak in some exercise

You might not have time to do a 5K run, but you probably have time to go around the corner to get a coffee on your lunch break. Little steps during the day do add up, and so do doing things like squatting when you brush your teeth. It may feel a little strange to do things like this to begin with, but over time it will contribute to you reaping the benefits.

Take it slowly

Working out intensely, especially if you have fitness goals you want to reach, will lead to you being burnt out. This is especially the case if you have a very busy lifestyle as it is. One way for you to work around this would be for you to incorporate numerous recovery days. Work in a steady state and focus on low-intensity when life gets hectic. If you can do this then you can add in HIIT when you can, which will help you to hit the sweet spot. 

Be efficient

Short and hard workouts do take up less time, but studies have shown time and time again that longer and slower workout sessions can be just as good for you. If you are short on time then make sure that you opt for the former. If you need to decompress, then opt for the latter. Things like this can help you to get the results you want. It’s also a good idea for you to focus on your breathing where possible. Nasal breathing advantages speak for themselves, so make sure that you look into them for yourself.

Use your lunch break

Make the effort to take a sandwich with you to work, so you can eat it at your desk. You can then use your lunch break to go on a run. You can also use this time to visit one of the gyms in your local area or to go on a long walk. All of this will help you out and it will also be better for your health than sitting at your desk all day.

Give yourself a chance

Set aside a drawer for all of your workout gear and make sure that you keep your water bottle and your shoes in the same place every time. If you can do this then you will soon find that you can help your motivation more than you realize. It also means if you do end up sleeping in then you can make up for it the next day. Little things like this can make a major difference to the success of your workout regime.

How can I get in more exercise into my busy schedule? Tips for exercising even with busy schedule, Health, Lifestyle Choices and Tips, What can I do to add more exercise to my day without taking more time out of my schedule? Encouragement for exercising more


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