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Discover Five Surprising Health Benefits of Rebounder Workouts

Unlock Surprising Health Perks with Rebounder Workouts | Fitness Trampoline Benefits


Improves cardio, great for joints, suitable for most ages and sizes, great for weight management… if you’ve stumbled across articles about rebounding health benefits, chances are, you know these three already. After all, it’s quite obvious that a cardio workout improves your cardiovascular health, right?

Yet, rebounding has many benefits that we think less about. Which is exactly why we’ve comprised a list of five surprising health benefits of rebounding! But first, let us ask - what are rebounder workouts?

What are rebounder workouts?

Simply put, a rebounder workout is an exercise routine that consists solely or mainly of jumping on a small indoor trampoline designed for fitness purposes. These small trampolines are often called rebounders, mini trampolines or fitness trampolines. It usually consists of 2-3 different warm-up exercises, 3-6 exercises and a cool-down period. Depending on the intensity of the workout, it can also include strength training, such as sit-ups, planks and push-ups as well as other exercises that are done with or next to the rebounder.

Rebounder workouts are cardio-focused and therefore they are often an option for those who are looking into shedding a few pounds. Yet, increasingly, people in all age and skill groups have found their love towards rebounding, which only makes sense. I mean, who doesn’t like jumping on a bouncy platform?

Benefit 1: Develops mind-body connection

In the digital age when most of us work mainly in front of our computers and mobile devices, we move far less than what we are designed to do. People need to be in constant move to be able to use their body as efficiently as possible. A body that has great mobility is far less prone to get injured, too. Yet, we stick to our routines and, even when we go to perform exercises, we do moves that we rarely would do in the real world.

Rebounding is different in that it challenges our mind to work together with our body. When jumping on a trampoline, you have to think about your feet position, your core stability and support, the routine, the hand movements in coordination with the legs and so much more.

The benefit of mind-body connection is often noted with the following type of exercises:

  • Dancing
  • Pilates
  • Yoga

Yet, these may feel too intimidating or difficult to start. Rebounding gives you the exact same benefit of developing the mind-body connection without the unnecessary stress that comes with starting a new hobby. All you need to do is to get a fitness rebounder and find beginner-friendly workouts online (which are often free)!

Benefit 2: Helps with lymphatic issues

The next benefit is one that often is noticeable only after several months of working out on a fitness rebounder. More and more people struggle with lymphatic issues which are also linked to a sedentary lifestyle. The lymphatic system is in charge of getting rid of toxins and waste off our body, yet the system requires us to move. Longer periods of inactivity may lead to lymphatic issues such as lymphedema.

Yet, lymphatic issues can be minimized by keeping your body active. Even a light rebounding session is perfect in getting your lymphatic system moving.

Benefit 3: Enhances flexibility and mobility

Are you the type of person who hates stretching and mobility exercises? Many of us are. If you recognize yourself (and well, even if you enjoy stretching more than anything else), then we have great news for you! Jumping on a rebounder is sure to enhance your flexibility and mobility. Many exercises challenge your flexibility especially when it comes to leg muscles are they are engaged and have the greatest range of motion in rebounder workouts. But that’s not all! Rebounding sessions often include twists and turns during the main exercise part as well as active stretching during the cool-down period, all of which are perfect for enhanced flexibility and mobility.

Benefit 4: Improves posture

Just like pilates and yoga, rebounding is also great at improving posture. Rebounding requires you to engage your core muscles throughout the workout. There’s really no room for losing that focus from it if you want to get the max benefit out of each workout and not hurt yourself either. By practicing to keep your whole body engaged you do not only develop mind-body connection (as learned before), but also maintain and improve your posture.

Benefit 5: Relieves stress and anxiety

Lastly, we’re jumping to the mental health side of exercising. While many start rebounding with the intention of either losing some pounds or simply improving their physical fitness, it often happens that those who truly fall in love with rebounding tend to rave about how bouncing on a fitness rebounder has lowered their stress levels significantly, leading to reduced anxiety levels as well. And, as the medical community (and regular people) become more aware of the risks that being under constant pressure and stress has on human beings, there’s always room for finding natural ways to lower it as much as possible. There’s a reason why kids love to jump for joy!

Now’s the time to try rebounding!

Trampoline fitness has become a form of exercise that withstood its so called fad period due to the many benefits associated with it. The easiest way to try rebounding is to get your own rebounder trampoline at your home, as this allows you to experiment with it at your own pace. Finding rebounders for sale is relatively easy online - just remember to compare the options to find the fitness trampoline suitable for you.

Rebounder Workouts, How can Rebounder help improve my health? What are all the benefits that come with doing rebounding workouts? What is a rebounding workout? Stress Relief, Health, Fitness


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