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7 Ways to Support Yourself During Difficult Times - A Practical Guide


Difficult times are an inevitable part of life. Whether it's a personal loss, the death of a loved one, a career setback, or a global pandemic, it's essential to have a plan to help you cope with and manage the stress and uncertainties of life. In this practical guide, you'll find five ways to support yourself during difficult times. With these strategies, you'll be better equipped to navigate life's challenges and find the strength to carry on.

Practice self-care

Self-care is a way to help you stay in the present moment, meet your basic needs, and regain a sense of balance, even when life doesn't feel balanced. Although it can be tempting to push yourself to your breaking point during difficult times, self-care is essential for helping us manage stress and keeping us mentally and physically healthy. Self-care refers to our daily practices and activities to care for ourselves. It can be as simple as drinking enough water daily, eating a healthy diet, and getting enough sleep. It can also include more involved practices like journaling, taking yoga classes, meditating, or spending time in nature. What self-care practices you choose will depend on your needs and interests.

Reframe your thoughts

During difficult times, it's common to have negative thoughts about yourself and your abilities. You may feel like you're not good enough or not strong enough to get through your challenges. Although these thoughts are understandable, they can harm your mental health if you don't learn how to reframe them. An excellent way to reframe your thoughts is to think about them in terms of a narrative. Think about the plot of your story: Who are the characters? What are the struggles or challenges they are facing? How will they overcome their problems? Using this narrative approach, you can turn your thoughts from harmful to helpful. 

Focus on your strengths

During difficult times, it's easy to focus on what you're not good at or what you wish to change. It's important, however, not to get stuck in this mindset, as it can cause you to miss out on your strengths and talents. One way to focus on your strengths is to keep a strength list. On a sheet of paper, write down the things you're good at and enjoy. This can be anything from baking to playing the guitar to skydiving. It doesn't matter if these abilities aren't related to your career or day-to-day responsibilities. It's essential to focus on what you're good at, not what you have to do. You can also keep a strength-focused journal or record your favorite strengths on a sticky note and put it in a place where you'll see it often. By focusing on your strengths during difficult times, you can shift your focus away from the stress of your situation and towards the things that bring you joy and make you happy.

Build connections

During difficult times, it's important to reach out to your friends and loved ones. Finding solidarity with others who are going through similar struggles can be comforting. One way to do this is to join a support group. Support groups can offer a safe space for people to share their experiences and find support and encouragement from others facing similar challenges. You can also connect with others on social media. Online, you can build a sense of community with people who are going through the same things you are. You can also use these platforms to express yourself and share your thoughts and feelings. While reaching out to others during difficult times, it's also important not to rely on others to meet your needs. It's easy to become dependent on others to make you feel happy, but you need to remember that while they can help, they can't take away the stress, uncertainty, and sorrow you're facing.

Seek professional help

Many professionals can support you during difficult times. These include psychologists, psychotherapists, psychiatrists, mental health counselors, and even a wrongful death lawyer if the situation calls for this kind of legal assistance. Support groups and online communities can offer coping strategies and help you manage stress. If you're unsure where to start, you can search online for support groups in your area or look for online communities related to your challenges. Finding a support group or community that offers the type of help and support you're looking for can be helpful. If you need more professional help, don't be afraid to seek a mental health professional. While there is no "one size fits all" approach, many therapists offer tailored treatment plans based on your needs.

Take care of your physical and mental health

Taking care of your physical and mental health during difficult times is essential. This means ensuring you get enough sleep, eat a balanced diet, and stay hydrated. Finding ways to reduce your stress and manage your emotions is also essential. If you're feeling overwhelmed, create a schedule that gives you a sense of control and helps you manage your time effectively. It can also be helpful to have someone to talk to. Speaking to a friend or family member can be beneficial if you need extra support and help managing your emotions. You can also use your creative side to express your feelings through art, music, or writing. If you need extra support, you can also look for support groups in your area or online communities related to your challenges.

Focus on what you can control

During difficult times, it's easy to focus on the uncontrollable aspects of your situation: the death of a loved one, your financial situation, the health of a loved one, etc. It can be helpful to remind yourself that while you can't control the events in your life, you can control how you respond to them. You can decide how to frame your situation and choose how to respond to your challenges. There are things you can control, and focusing on these can help you to move forward and work through challenging situations.


During difficult times, it's important to remember that you're not alone. Everyone faces challenges, and everyone experiences sorrow and loss. While these feelings can be overwhelming, it is possible to move past them and find a new sense of strength and hope. With these strategies, you'll be better equipped to navigate life's challenges and find the strength to carry on.

How can I make it through dark times? Mental Health, Health, Strategies for self-care, Support, What does it mean to "re-frame" a situation?


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