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Michael, I feel that you should take a step back , at least for awhile, because this grief over your son's death, is bearing on your soul so very much,. too much, and it seems being consumed with the fire department, is not helping with your grief. I don't care if you bash the mayor, the fire chief, the other fire chiefs, I mean this sincerely, that it doesn't seem to be helping your healing,...just constant reminders of Austin's days spent in the Apopka Fire Department. I don't mean to be cruel, or bash you, and in no way minimize Austin's death, whether you believe me, are not I am sorry. Give it a try, bash the officials all you want, but give it a try. The last council meeting was heart wretching to me, when you described Austin on the gurney upstairs in the hospital. Michael, I do care that your son was killed, but I can't bring him back. It is your choice if you want to talk with me or not, if you want to talk to me, I will talk with you, but it is your choice.

From: No waiting! Apopka City Council votes to reopen the search for AFD "Change Manager"

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