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I agree with your statement Sister Ann about ridiculous behavior by politicians....Amen to that! It sure is interesting that of the $ 1.565 million spent flying and hauling those 50 migrants from Texas to Martha's Vineyard, that money has already been spent, but just now is getting lawmakers' approval! ????? Someone sure got RICH transporting those 50 migrants, on that deal! How is that helping Florida taxpayers, that paid the bill unknowingly, but learned about it later?....now DeSantis, the hard head, is doubling down, after being critized, and is putting in $ 10 million to take care of other Republican states' migrant problems. He is a clown! I hope he never gets to be POTUS! While I don't like Trump, I tend to believe some of the stuff he telling on DeSantis. Google it, if you haven't seen Trump's trashing of DeSantis. I love it!

From: Local immigrant organizations push back on "Unauthorized Alien Transport" bill from Florida Legislature

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