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My grandma and my mama both cooked poke salad. They both always cooked it in with other greens, like turnip greens and mustard greens. I don't ever remember either of them cooking poke salad in with collard greens. They cooked collard greens too, just not with poke salad greens. I haven't had poke salad in years and years, since I was a kid. They seasoned it with bacon grease, after they let the greens get done, after pouring off most of the remaining water, along with salt and pepper. Some use a ham hock to season them, some use a little sugar, but my mama and grandma didn't. We did put vinegar over the greens, on our plates. I am still living, didn't poison me. You want to pick the tender leaves, but stay away from the stems, especially the red stems, and definitely no berries! That could poison a person. I remember reading about when Dolly Parton was a teenager, and her family didn't have money to spend on Dolly, for her desire for lipstick, so she went out in field and got some poke salad berries, mashed them, and applied them to her lips, to make her own lipstick stain. Omg, I'm surprised she didn't get poisoned. We also ate creasy greens, another edible that sometimes grows wild. It is old southern foods. If you are a Yankee, I doubt you would want to give it a try....LOL

From: Be aware of these common toxic plants, experts say

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