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I watched and listened to the Apopka City Council meeting today. It started out on a positive note by honoring the city employees for their services, and years with the city. I learned about their families, their children, their pets, and their hobbies. It seemed there was a breath of fresh air, for the council, and the new year, but then it started up again, all the negative, with the fire department. The accusations, the blame game, the finger pointing in Austin's death. I really felt sorry for Austin's girlfriend when she spoke, I know she loved him, and is truly heartbroken. I am so sorry that he died. I see Commissioner Velasquez wants some sort of resolution. That's fine, but the fact of the matter is, it is a divided fire department, as the fire chief pointed out, and the union members, the union leader, and the fire chief, are not going to be best friends. If another fire chief replaced the current fire chief, it would be the same thing, they would not be best friends either. Don't expect the Duran family and the city attorney to be best friends either. There will be a lawsuit in the future, we know that, all the facts of both sides will come out then. My hope is our city can pull together after this tragedy, and work together, but it looks very unlikely.

From: Regenerating Older Communities: How you can take part

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