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A very great adventure for a young boy to have such a quest to occupy his attention! In those days America seemed almost enamored of those criminals, names like John Dillinger, Ma Barker, Bonnie & Clyde, Al "The Mayor of Chicago" Capone, all these seemed to achieve almost a mythical status in the eye of the public at that time. My paternal grandmother was said to have been conscripted to ride on John Dillenger's car after he robbed a bank in Racine Wisconsin! I understand the "Bad Guys" would make people ride on the running boards of their get-away cars so the police would not shoot at them! And also, there is an Inn in the far north woods in Wisconsin that is also well known as a place those gangsters used to hide out and reported their loot in the area, to this day folks are searching the area!

You are also correct my friend, about "The Pearl of Great Price", I think the world would benefit if everyone searched for it as fervently as they search for legends!

From: The treasure worth searching out

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