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Now it's so amazing how much support goes out to our Immigrant population and it's starting to **** me off. Do you people not see us Americans?? We're suffering, we're having to do without to make room for them, leaving us with NOTHING! I'M sick and tired is seeing all the resources go to them. Do you not see our communities, Christ you can't even rent a place. You can't bring an extra 800 people to a table that only has 6 seats!!! Why did I get turned away from Hope Community Center 2 times. IT WAS NEVER LIKE THIS!!!! Go help Apopka Natives that are on there Streets. I have had it! Immigration rights??? What about our rights, after all we're the ones paying taxes!! Go home give us back our city we don't want greedy rich new yorkers here!!! Or Mexico!

From: Finding identity at the Hope CommUnity Center

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