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Faith and Inspiration

Reprograming the Heart: If I can do it so can you


We are always getting ready to live but never living.”

--Ralph Waldo Emerson

Isn’t it high time we started living?

I was listening to Brendon Burchard recently. He is young, articulate, and a presenter extra-ordinary. He really has it all together.

He was talking about how important it is to reprogram the mind, to get rid of the inhibiting thoughts and old habits that restrain us and keep us from realizing our dreams.

I was impressed by what Brendon had to say; an excellent idea and one that most of us could benefit from.

And then something struck me!

I mean, it hammered me right, smack dab between the ears!

As important as it is to “reprogram the mind,” how much more important is it that we REPROGRAM THE HEART?

“Wait now,” you might say, “just how in the world do we go about reprogramming the heart?”

We find a clue in Proverbs 23:7. Where it tells us:

“As a man thinks in his heart, so is he…”

This bible verse leads us to believe that the heart, instead of the mind is the seat of our emotions.

Let me illustrate with a recent visit I had with a friend. She told me that she and her sister had just had a falling out.

Already distressed over the recent death of their father, each of the ladies was in a very fragile mindset.

For whatever reason, words were exchanged over differing opinions, and the ladies parted not on the best of terms.

Praise God, one of the ladies, after thinking about it, and feeling great remorse, went to her sis and tried to make it right, but, right or wrong, her sister wasn’t having any of it.

Perhaps you have been there, I know I have.

There is a part of me, maybe it is that ugly, brown, smelly lump of false pride, in such a time like this that has a tendency to cause me to moan and grumble and to vow to never speak to the guilty party again, but then, if I were to do that I would likely never speak to ME again, due to the fact that more often than not, I have been the guilty party!

Nowadays, because I have yielded access to my heart to Jesus Christ if such an occasion should arise, even though my first instinct is not exactly on the positive side, I suck in my gut, man up, and endeavor to make amends.

Yeah, that’s right, I disregard instinct and do what I think Jesus would do.

Proverbs 15:1 tells us:

“A soft answer turns away wrath…”

Hey, praise Papa God, I am learning! I have been praying for a Christ-like heart, and slowly but surely, it is making itself known, at least to me and hopefully to others.

And here is where the reprogramming of the heart comes into play.

When such an occasion arises as that described above (hopefully, it won't rear its ugly head too often), pray for the other party. Accept your part of the responsibility and ask God to soften both of your hearts, and then… MAKE IT RIGHT! Even if it means accepting full responsibility. Yeah, I know, but pride never heals wounds, physical or emotional!

And this is so important; start thanking God for answering your prayer even before you see evidence of change.

Yes, thank god for healing as if healing had already taken place!

Oh yes, back to the sisters. Praise God, They have made amends!

There is nothing noble or praiseworthy in what I am suggesting, for, after all, it is just doing the right thing.

After all is said and done, I suppose doing the right thing is the basis for reprogramming the heart… and really beginning to live!

Faith, Inspiration, Jesus, Reprogramming, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Proverbs


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